How can Auto LPG reduce water and soil pollution?

We all know that vehicular emission cause air pollution and has bad effects on human health, but vehicular pollution is responsible for water and land pollution. Vehicular pollution affect the quality of the water and land by adding nitrogen dioxides to the water. Nitrogen oxides can be responsible for algae growth and has bad effects on fish and aquatic life. Nitrogen oxides add to the formation of highly acidic smog. Smog is another big issue because it is harmful to humans and animals to breathe. When nitrogen oxides mix with rain water, it causes acidic rain. And this type of water is not at all good for human health, animals, plants and land. The amount of nitrogen oxides reaching the water from the atmosphere, mainly from vehicle emissions that pollute the water bodies. Polluted water can cause serious diseases to humans.  Most of the infectious disease spreads through contaminated water. . Acid water also have a reaction with metal pipes and this pipes are used to bring water to home. Some of disease caused by polluted water are Cholera, Paratyphoid Fever, Typhoid, Dysentery, Jaundice, and Malaria. Water-borne diseases reason for the deaths of 3,575,000 people a year.

acid rain

Vehicular emission contribute to major two problems one is acid rain and other is global warming. This emission affected not only to water but also to land. When acid rain forms and become highly acidic it causes land or soil pollution. This is the reason it affects to trees and crops in the farms also. This polluted soil damage the roots of the trees. When roots are affected it can easily affect the entire tree, because it is not able to give enough nutrients to the all parts of the trees. Particles emitted form vehicle contribute to global warming because of its high carbon dioxide emission which is output of vehicles.

These adverse effects of vehicle pollution are reasons why we should use alternative fuels like Autogas to minimize pollutions. There are many ways to control it and some like best alternative fuel Auto LPG are already out and already working to reduce pollution. Many vehicles which are running on Auto LPG have been looked into as an alternative to petrol. In future India will become most leading market of Auto LPG as there are many Auto LPG station are installed in India. Government is continuously promoting and boosting the awareness of this cheap and clean fuel.  Autogas is an alternative fuel which is freely available natural gas. It has no effects on environment as it is completely eco-friendly fuel.  Its price is much lower than any other fuel. It does not release harmful gases in the environment. There are many Autogas station in Nagpur are launching to reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel. Most of the automobile companies are launching their new vehicles with Autogas fuel tank in order to make huge saving on fuel cost while saving the earth too. LPG burns cleaner than gasoline thanks to smaller molecules, which leads to a cut in emission.

autogas station in nagpur

TRANSWELL AUTOMALL PRIVATE LIMITED’s Essay Petroleum is one of the leading Auto LPG stations in Nagpur which is one genuine effort to make our Nagpur city pollution free and green. This LPG pumps in Nagpur is located in Wardhman Nagar near Inox poonam mall road. It is very convenient location as it is only 6 km away from zero mile.


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